#March 22, 2018, Experimental Mathematics (RU) Spring 2018 Help:=proc(): print(` H(s), xi(s), G(s,g), Check185(s,g) `): end: H:=proc(s) 1/2*s*(1-s)*Pi^(-s/2)*GAMMA(s/2): end: xi:=proc(s) : Zeta(s)*H(s): end: #diff1(f,x,j): the j-th derivative of f w.r.t. to diff1:=proc(f,x,j) if j=0 then f: else diff(f,x$j): fi: end: #G(s,g): Conrey's function G(s) defined by Eq. (18.1) , where g is a finite list of [g1,g3,g5,...] G:=proc(s,g) local k,yukun: yukun:=xi(s)+add(g[k]*diff1(xi(s),s,(2*k-1)),k=1..nops(g)): expand(yukun/(2*H(s))): end: #Check185(s,g): checks (18.5) for s and a list g Check185:=proc(s,g) local G1,G2,k,j: G1:=G(s,g): G2:=Zeta(s)+ add(add( g[k]*binomial(2*k-1,j)*diff1(H(s),s,(2*k-1-j))/H(s)*diff1(Zeta(s),s,j),j=0..2*k-1), k=1..nops(g)): G2:=G2/2: G2-G1: #simplify(G2-G1): end: