#C11.txt: Feb. 27, 2014 Help:=proc(): print(` Orb(g,x0,K1,K2,d1)`): print(` OrbF(f,x,g,x0,K1,K2,d1) `): end: Digits:=2000: #Orb(g,x0,K1,K2,d1): running the logistic map #x->g*x*(1-x) K1+K2 times, starting at x0, and displaying #the last K2 terms #For example: #Orb(2.5,.5,10000,1000); Orb:=proc(g,x0,K1,K2,d1) local L,i,x1: x1:=x0: L:=[]: for i from 1 to K1+K2+1 do L:=[op(L),x1]: x1:=g*x1*(1-x1): od: evalf(L[K1+1..K1+K2],d1): end: #OrbF(f,x,g,x0,K1,K2,d1): running the general logistic map #x->g*f K1+K2 times and displaying #the last K2 terms #For example: #OrbF(2.5,.5,10000,1000); OrbF:=proc(f,x,g,x0,K1,K2,d1) local L,i,x1: x1:=x0: L:=[]: for i from 1 to K1+K2+1 do L:=[op(L),x1]: x1:=g*subs(x=x1,f): od: evalf(L[K1+1..K1+K2],d1): end: