### Homework 7. Patrick Devlin. February 11, 2012 ### ### I have no preferrences about keeping my work private ### ### Programs from classes 7 and 6 at the bottom ### Help:=proc(): print(`From homework 7: Gsomosk(Ini, k, n), GenHomPol(X,d,a,co:=1), GenNonHomPol(X,d,a,co:=1)`): print(`From class 7: Gsomos4(Ini,n), mysteryFib(n), Guess2NLR(L,f,n,maxD), GenPol(X,d,a,co:=1)`): print(`From class 6: GuessRec1(L,r), GuessRec(L) `): end proc: ############# # Problem 1 # ############# #Gsomosk(Ini,k,n): outputs the n-th term of the Somos-k recurrence with initial conditions Ini, i.e. sk[1]=Ini[1], etc. Gsomosk:=proc(Ini,k,n,symb:=false) option remember: local i,x: if (n<=k) then if((n<=nops(Ini)) and (n>0)) then return Ini[n]: else if(symb) then return x[n]: else return 1: fi: fi: fi: if(symb) then return normal((add(Gsomosk(Ini,k,n-i, symb)*Gsomosk(Ini,k,n-k+i, symb), i=1..(k/2)))/Gsomosk(Ini,k,n-k, symb)): else return (add(Gsomosk(Ini,k,n-i, symb)*Gsomosk(Ini,k,n-k+i, symb), i=1..(k/2)))/Gsomosk(Ini,k,n-k, symb): fi: end proc: ############# # Problem 2 # ############# # Running a function such as # # test3:=(k,stop)-> {seq(denom(Gsomosk([1$k], k, i)), i=1..stop)} # # Seems to reveal that Gsomosk([1$k], k, i) is always an integer # if and only if 2 <= k <= 7. # # If k is one of those values, the experimental data obviously cannot # rigorously prove that Gsomosk(...) is always an integer. # However, we have found non-integer values for 8 <= k <= 35, # which suggests the conjecture. ############# # Problem 3 # ############# # As before, by running a function such as # # test4:=(k,stop)-> {seq(evalb( op(0,expand(denom(Gsomosk([], k, i, true)))) <> `+`), i=1..stop)}: # # seems to reveal that Gsomosk([], k, i, true) always produces Laurent # polynomials if and only if 2 <= k <= 7. # # However, this is harder to test since maple is slower with the purely symbolic manipulations ############# # Problem 4 # ############# # Takes a list of variables X, the total degree d, a list of coefficients a, # and an optional parameter co, which keeps track of depth in recursive calls. # # A modified version of GenPol. It returns a polynomial in the variables # X[1], ... , X[nops(X)], where each term is a monomial of total degree d. GenHomPol:=proc(X,d,a,co:=1) local P, var, co1,m,i,x,X1,P1: option remember: m:=nops(X): x:=X[m]: if m=1 then RETURN(x^d * a[co], {a[co]},co+1): fi: co1:=co: X1:=[op(1..m-1,X)]: P:=0: var:={}: for i from 0 to d do P1:=GenHomPol(X1,d-i,a,co1): P:=expand(P+x^i * P1[1]): var:=var union P1[2]: co1:=P1[3]: od: return (P,var,co1): end: ############# # Problem 5 # ############# # Takes a list of variables X, a maximum total degree d, a variable name for # the list of coefficients, a, and an option argument co, indicating which # index of the list of variables should be the first used for the coefficients. # # Outputs a general polynomial in X, whose maximum total degree is exactly d GenNonHomPol:= proc(X,d,a, co:=1) local P, var, i, tempAns, co1: P:=0: var:={}: co1:=co: for i from 0 to d do tempAns:=GenHomPol(X,i,a,co1): P:=expand(P+tempAns[1]): var:=var union tempAns[2]: co1:=tempAns[3]: od: return (P, var, co): end proc: ###################### # Stuff from class 7 # ###################### #Gsomos4(Ini,n): outputs the n-th term of the Somos4 recurrence with initial conditions Ini, i.e. s[1]=Ini[1], etc. # For example, Gsomos4([1,1,1,1,20); Gsomos4:=proc(Ini,n) option remember: if n<=4 then return Ini[n]: fi: return normal((Gsomos4(Ini,n-1)*Gsomos4(Ini,n-3)+Gsomos4(Ini,n-2)^2)/Gsomos4(Ini,n-4)): end proc: #Guess2NLR(L,f,n, MaxD) inputs a sequene L and symbols f and n and tries to guess # a NON-LINEAR recurrene of 2nd order of the form P( f(n-2),f(n-1),f(n))=0 of degree MaxD Guess2NLR:=proc(L,f,n, MaxD) local d,ans: for d from 1 to MaxD do ans:=Guess2NLRd(L,f,n,d): if ans<>FAIL then return ans: fi: od: return FAIL: end: ## GenPol(X,d,a): # ## Inputs # (i) a list of variables X e.g. [x,y,z] (let m=nops(X), the number of variables) # (ii) a pos. integer d, for the degree # (iii) a symbol a by which the coeff. (undetermined) of the pol. are expressed # (iv) co, starting counter # ## Outputs: # (i) a generic polynomial in the variables X of degree d with coeff. expressed as a[co],ac[co+1], ..., a[co+AsNeeded] # (ii) the set of coefficients # (iii) the new value of the counter # ## For example, GenPol([x],1,a,0) --outputs--> a[0]+a[1]*x, {a[0],a[1]}, 2 GenPol:=proc(X,d,a,co:=1) local P, var, co1,m,i,x,X1,P1: option remember: m:=nops(X): x:=X[1]: if m=1 then RETURN(add( a[co+i]*x^i,i=0..d), {seq(a[co+i],i=0..d)},co+d+1): fi: co1:=co: X1:=[op(2..m,X)]: P:=0: var:={}: for i from 0 to d do P1:=GenPol(X1,d,a,co1): P:=expand(P+P1[1]*x^i): var:=var union P1[2]: co1:=P1[3]: od: return (P,var,co1): end: ###################### # Stuff from Class 6 # ###################### # GuessRec1(L,r): given a list of numbers and a positive integer, r, # it tries to guess a linear recurrence relation of order r # that fits the list # Looking for a recurrence of the form L[n] + c_1 L[n-1] + ... + c_r L[n-r] = 0 for all relevant n # We need r data points to determine this system of (c_1, c_2, ... , c_{r}) unknowns # So we'll output [ [c_1, c_2, c_3, ... , c_r], [initial_conditions]]. # (i.e., Fibonacci would be F[n] - F[n-1] - F[n-2] = 0 -> [[-1, -1], [1,1]] GuessRec1:=proc(L,r) local var, c, i, n, eqns: if (nops(L) <= 2*r + 6) then return FAIL; fi: # The list isn't long enough, so return fail var:={seq(c[i], i=1..r)}: eqns:=[ seq( (L[n] + sum(c[i] * L[n-i],i=1..r))=0, n=(r+1)..nops(L))]: var:=solve(eqns,var); if(var = NULL) then return FAIL: fi: return [[seq(eval(c[i],var),i=1..r)],L[1..r]]; end proc: # GuessRec(L) returns a linear recurrence relation of minimal order that fits L GuessRec:=proc(L) local r, ans: for r from 1 to (nops(L)-6)/2 do ans:=GuessRec1(L,r): if (ans <> FAIL) then return ans: fi: od: return FAIL: end proc: