# John Miller # hw18.txt - Homework assigned Mon, Mar 26, due Apr 2. # You are welcome to share this code. Help:=proc(): print(`WnS(A,FP,B,n), SFP(d,n), WGnS(A,FP,B,n,BFP)`): print(`AllWords(A,n), IsBad1(w,fp1,B), IsBad(w,FP,B), SetWnS(A,FP,B,n)`): print(`IsBFPBad(w,FP,B)`): end: #################################################################### # Question 2 # WnS(A,FP,B,n): Inputs an alphabet A, a set FP of restricted # patterns, a blank B, and a positive integer n, and outputs # the number of words of length n that avoid all the patterns of FP. WnS := proc(A,FP,B,n): nops(SetWnS(A,FP,B,n)): end: # end of WnS(A,FP,B,n) #################################################################### # Question 3 # Find the 1st 15 terms of # WnS({0,1},{[1,1,1],[1,B,1,B,1],[1,B,B,1,B,B,1],[1,B,B,B,1,B,B,B,1], [1,B$4,1,B$4,1],[1,B$5,1,B$5,1]},B,n); # We get: # 2, 4, 7, 13, 23, 40, 65, 106, 169, 278, 443, 705, 1117, 1760, 2807 # Find the 1st 15 terms of # WnS({0,1}, { [1,1,1],[1,B,1,B,1],[1,B,B,1,B,B,1],[1,B,B,B,1,B,B,B,1], [1,B$4,1,B$4,1],[1,B$5,1,B$5,1], [0,0,0],[0,B,0,B,0],[0,B,B,0,B,B,0],[0,B,B,B,0,B,B,B,0], [0,B$4,0,B$4,0],[0,B$5,0,B$5,0]},B,n); # We get: # 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 20, 16, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 #################################################################### # Question 4 # We d=3, we need FP to be the set: # {[1,1,1],[1,B,1,B,1],...,[1,B$k,1,B$k,1]}, k = trunc((n-3)/2) # For general d, we need Fp to be the set: # {[1$d],[1,B,1,...,1,B,1],...,[1,B$k,1,...,1,B$k,1]}, # k = trunc( (n-d)/(d-1) ) # SFP(d,n): Input positive integers d and n, and count the number # of subsets {1,2...,n} that do not contain an arithmetic # progression of length d. SFP := proc(d::posint,n::posint) local FP, k, i, j, fp1: if d=1 then return(0): fi: FP := {}; k := max(trunc((n-d)/(d-1)),0): for i from 0 to k do: fp1 := [seq(op([1,B$i]),j=1..d-1),1]: FP := FP union {fp1} od: WnS({0,1},FP,B,n): end: # end of SFP(d,n) #################################################################### # Question 5 # We verify that SFP(d,n) matches Ndn(d,n): # For d=3, we get for n = 1 to 15: # SFP: # 2, 4, 7, 13, 23, 40, 65, 106, 169, 278, 443, 705, 1117, 1760, 2692 # Ndn: # 2, 4, 7, 13, 23, 40, 65, 106, 169, 278, 443, 705, 1117, 1760, 2692 # For d=4, we get for n = 1 to 15: # SFP: # 2, 4, 8, 15, 29, 56, 103, 192, 364, 668, 1222, 2233, 3987, 7138, 12903 # Ndn: # 2, 4, 8, 15, 29, 56, 103, 192, 364, 668, 1222, 2233, 3987, 7138, 12903 #################################################################### # Question 6 # WGnS(A,FP,B,n,BFP): Inputs the alphabet A, the set of forbidden # patterns FP, blank B, positive integer n, and another set of # "beginning forbidden patterns" BFP, and outputs the number # of words that avoid all patterns of FP and IN ADDITION avoid the # set of patterns BFP at the beginning. WGnS := proc(A::set,FP::set,B,n::posint,BFP::set) local f, NoFPwords, w: NoFPwords := SetWnS(A,FP,B,n): f := w -> not IsBFPBad(w,BFP,B): nops(select(f,NoFPwords)): end: # end of WGnS(A,FP,B,n,BFP) #################################################################### # AllWords(A,n): Inputs an alphabet A, and a positive integer n, # and outputs a set of all nops(A)^n words of length n. AllWords := proc(A::set,n::nonnegint) option remember: local S, S1, s1, a: if n = 0 then return({[]}): fi: S := {}: S1 := AllWords(A,n-1); for s1 in S1 do: s1 := op(s1): S := S union {seq([s1,a], a in A)}: od: S: end: # end of AllWords(A,n) #################################################################### # IsBad1(w,fp1,B): Returns true iff the word w contains the single # pattern fp1. IsBad1 := proc(w::list, fp1::list, B) option remember: local i: if nops(w) < nops(fp1) then return(false): fi: if {seq(evalb(w[i]=fp1[i] or fp1[i]=B),i=1..nops(fp1))} = {true} then return(true): fi: IsBad1(w[2..nops(w)],fp1,B): end: # end of IsBad1(w,fp1,B) #################################################################### # IsBad(w,FP,B): Returns true iff w contains at least one of the # members of the set of patterns FP. IsBad := proc(w::list,FP::set,B) local fp1: evalb({seq(IsBad1(w,fp1,B),fp1 in FP)}<>{false}): end: # end of IsBad(w,FP,B) #################################################################### # IsBFPBad(w,FP,B): Returns true iff w contains at least one of the # members of the set of patterns FP. IsBFPBad := proc(w::list,FP::set,B) local fp1: evalb({seq(IsBad1(w[1..nops(fp1)],fp1,B),fp1 in FP)}<>{false}): end: # end of IsBFPBad(w,FP,B) #################################################################### # SetWnS(A,FP,B,n): Constucts the set of n-letter words in the # alphabet A not containing any of the patterns of FP. SetWnS := proc(A::set,FP::set,B,n::posint) local f, w: f := w -> not IsBad(w,FP,B): select(f,AllWords(A,n)): end: # end of SetWnS(A,FP,B,n)