print(`For old help type: Help():`): print(`For new help type: HelpNew():`): Help:=proc(): print(`ModPol(p,x,h), ord1(a,r)`): print(`Check31(M), AKS(n)`): end: HelpNew:=proc(): print(`Mult1(p,q,x,n,r)`): print(`Mult11(p,a,x,r), Power1(p,x,m,r,n), NewAKS(n) `): end: #ModPol(p,x,h): inputs a polynomial p in the variable #x and another polynomial h, in x, finds #p mod h ModPol:=proc(p,x,h) rem(p,h,x): end: with(numtheory): #ord1(a,r): the smallest pos. integer k such that #a^k mod r =1 (gcd(a,r)=1) ord1:=proc(a,r) local S,i: if gcd(a,r)<>1 then RETURN(1): fi: S:=sort(divisors(phi(r))): for i from 1 to nops(S) do if a^S[i] mod r =1 then RETURN(S[i]): fi: od: ERROR(`Nothing found`): end: #Check31(M) checks Lemma 3.1. in the AKS paper #for m between 7 and M Check31:=proc(M) local m: evalb({seq(evalb(lcm(seq(i,i=1..m))>=2^m),m=7..M)}={true}): end: #AKS(n): the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena famous #primaity-testing algoritm: #Dramatically improved by Josh Loftus (the one who (so far) #didn't murder anyone) AKS:=proc(n) local r,a,asya,X, J,Asya: if not type(n,integer) or n<=1 then ERROR(`bad input`): fi: #step 1 for r from 2 to trunc(evalf(log(n)/log(2))) do if type(root(n,r), integer) then RETURN(false) fi: od: #step 2 for r from trunc(evalf(4*log[2](n)^2)) while ord1(n,r) <= trunc(evalf(4*log[2](n)^2)) do od: #step 3 for a from 2 to r do if 10 then RETURN(false): fi: od: true: end: #NewAKS(n): the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena famous #primaity-testing algoritm: #Dramatically improved by Josh Loftus (the one who (so far) #didn't murder anyone) NewAKS:=proc(n) local r,a,asya,X, J,Asya: if not type(n,integer) or n<=1 then ERROR(`bad input`): fi: #step 1 for r from 2 to trunc(evalf(log(n)/log(2))) do if type(root(n,r), integer) then RETURN(false) fi: od: #step 2 for r from trunc(evalf(4*log[2](n)^2)) while ord1(n,r) <= trunc(evalf(4*log[2](n)^2)) do od: #step 3 for a from 2 to r do if 10 then RETURN(false): fi: od: true: end: #Mult11(p,a,x,r): p*x^a mod x^r-1 mod n Mult11:=proc(p,a,x,r) local i: add(coeff(p,x,i)*x^((i+a) mod r),,x)): end: #Mult1(p,q,x,n,r): Inputs two polynomials p and q #of degree <=r-1 and coefficients mod n #and outputs their product mod x^r-1 Mult1:=proc(p,q,x,n,r) local i: add(coeff(p,x,i)*Mult11(q,i,x,r) mod n ,,x)) mod n: end: #Power1(p,x,m,r,n): p(x)^m mod (n, x^r-1) Power1:=proc(p,x,m,r,n) local P: if m=0 then RETURN(1): elif m mod 2=1 then Mult1( Power1(p,x,m-1,r,n),p,x,n,r): else Mult1( Power1(p,x,m/2,r,n), Power1(p,x,m/2,r,n) ,x,n,r): fi: end: