Help:=proc(): print(`BonnSieve(n,k), `): print(` ApplySieve(Se,P,Si), MakeSeP(n,k)`): print(` BrunSieve(k,N), FullBrunSieve(k,N) `): print(` HMPB(x,y) , BrunSC(r,n,a)`): end: with(combinat): with(numtheory): #{{set}}: A collection of subsests of {1,2, ....n} #such that Sum((-1)^s*ElementsWithProperties[s], s in the #{set} gives a lower or upper bounds (if k is even or odd) #(either resp. or not) BonnSieve:=proc(n,k) local i,N: N:={seq(i,i=1..n)}: {seq(op(choose(N,i)),i=0..k)}: end: #ApplySieve(Se,P,Si): Inputs a universal se Se #and a list of "properties" described explicitly #by a list of subsets of Se P=[P1,P2, ...] #(meaning Pi is the set of objectts having property i #(and possiblly other properties), and it also inputs # a sieve Si. Outputs the "estimate" implied by Si #and the true value of the set of objects that has #none of the properties #For example #ApplySieve({Emilie,Aisha,Daniela}, #[{Emilie,Aisha},{Emilie,Daniela}], {{},{1},{2}}) #should return #TrueValue=0 #Estimate=3-2-2=-1 ApplySieve:=proc(Se,P,Si) local Es, TV,josh,kellen,Si1: if not {} in Si then ERROR(`Bad input`): fi: TV:=nops(Se minus {seq(op(P[i]),i=1..nops(P))}): Si1:=Si minus {{}}: Es:=add((-1)^nops(josh)*nops(`intersect`(seq(P[kellen], kellen in josh))),josh in Si1) + nops(Se): Es,TV: end: #MakeSeP(n,k): inputs pos. integers n and k #and outputs the set {1,...,n} followed by #a list of k random subsets of {1,...n} #each with a random number of elements MakeSeP:=proc(n,k) local Se,P,ra,i,car,j: Se:={seq(i,i=1..n)}: P:=[]: ra:=rand(1..n): for i from 1 to k do car:=ra(): P:=[op(P),{seq(ra(),}]: od: Se,P: end: #k=Number of ordered properties #BrunSieve1(k,N) inputs the number of properties k #and a list N of weakly decrreasing pos. integers #N=[N1,N2,N3, Nr] with r<=k #outputs all subsets of {1, ..., k} written #in dec. order i1>i2>i3>.. such that #i1<=N1 and i2<=N2,<=Nr BrunSieve1:=proc(k,N) local i,r,N1,emilie,s,S,T: option remember: r:=nops(N): if r=1 then RETURN({seq([i],i=1..min(N[1],k))}): fi: N1:=[op(2..r,N)]: S:={seq(i,i=1..min(N[1],k))}: T:={}: for s in S do emilie:=BrunSieve1(s-1,N1): T:=T union {seq([s,op(e)],e in emilie)}: od: T: end: #k=Number of ordered properties #BrunSieve(k,N) inputs the number of properties k #and a list N of weakly decrreasing pos. integers #N=[N1,N2,N3, Nr] with r<=k #outputs all subsets of exactly r #elements of {1, ..., k} written as #sets #i1<=N1 and i2<=N2,<=Nr BrunSieve:=proc(k,N) local brian,b: brian:=BrunSieve1(k,N): {seq(convert(b,set), b in brian)} union {{}}: end: #k=Number of ordered properties #FullBrunSieve(k,N) inputs the number of properties k #and a list N of weakly decrreasing pos. integers #N=[N1,N2,N3, Nr] with r<=k of cardinality <=r #outputs all subsets of {1, ..., k} written as #sets #i1<=N1 and i2<=N2,<=Nr FullBrunSieve:=proc(k,N) local r,i: r:=nops(N): {seq(op(BrunSieve( k ,[op(1..i,N)])),i=1..r)}: end: #How many prime numbers between x and y HMPBslow:=proc(x,y) local i,co: co:=0: for i from x to y-1 do if isprime(i) then co:=co+1: fi: od: co: end: HMPB:=proc(x,y): pi(y-1)-pi(x-1):end: #BrunSC(r,n,a): inputs a pos. integer r and a real #number a>1 and outputs the Brun Staircase #before Eq. (15) in Brun's paper as form of lists #N=[sigma1+....+sigman, ...., sigman] BrunSC:=proc(r,n,a) local pr,sigma,i,N: pr:=ithprime(r): for i from 1 to n do #sigma[i]: number of prime numbers between #pr^(1/a^(i-1)) and pr^(1/a^i) sigma[i]:= HMPB( trunc(pr^(1/a^(i))), trunc(pr^(1/a^(i-1)))): od: [seq(sigma[i],i=1..n)]; #Nb:=[sigma[n],sigma[n], #sigma[n-1]+sigma[n], #sigma[n-1]+sigma[n], #sigma[n-2]+sigma[n-1]+sigma[n], N:=[seq(add(sigma[n-j],j=0..i-1), i=1..n)] : N:=[seq(N[n-i],i=0..n-1)]: [N[1],seq(op([N[i],N[i]]),i=2..n)]: end: