HelpM:=proc(): print(`LD(p,x), GGR(p,x,i,N), MG(p,x,i,N,K) `): end: Help:=proc(): print(`Probs(p,x,N) , ED(p,x,N), SymProbs(p,x,i,N) `): end: #Given a loaded die whose gen. function is p(x) #(prob. of having a step of size i is the coeff. of #x^i in p(x). For example, for a fair coin it is #(1/2)*x+(1/2)*x^(-1). For a fair die #(1/6)*(x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5+x^6) LD:=proc(p,x) local P,N,L,i,L1,j,r,ra: if {seq(evalb( coeff(p,x,i)>=0) ,i=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if {seq(type(coeff(p,x,i),rational) ,i=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: P:=expand(p/subs(x=1,p)); N:=lcm( seq( denom( coeff(P,x,i) ) ,i=ldegree(P,x),x))): L:=[]: for i from ldegree(P,x) to degree(P,x) do if coeff(P,x,i)<>0 then L:=[op(L), [i, N*coeff(P,x,i)]]: fi: od: ra:=rand(1..N): L1:=[seq( L[i][2], i=1..nops(L))]: L1:=[ seq( add(L1[j],j=1..i) , i=1..nops(L1))]: r:=ra(): for j from 1 while L1[j]=N dollars #The output is either or N, followed by #the duration of the game GGR:=proc(p,x,i,N) local m,c: c:=0: m:=i: while m>0 and m= N then w:=w+1: fi: c:=c+g[2]: od: evalf(w/K),evalf(c/K): end: #inputs a polynomial p of x with pos. coeff. encoding a #general die in a casino where you have to leave as soon #as you either have <=0 or >=N dollars. Outputs a list #of length N-1 whose i^th item is the prob. of winning #if you enter the casino with i dollars Probs:=proc(p,x,N) local eq, var, z,i,j,P: if {seq(evalb( coeff(p,x,i)>=0) ,i=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if {seq(type(coeff(p,x,i),rational) ,i=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: P:=expand(p/subs(x=1,p)); var:={ seq(z[i],i=1..N-1)}: eq:={}: for i from 1 to N-1 do eq:=eq union { z[i]- add(z[i+j]*coeff(P,x,j),j=ldegree(P,x),x)) }: od: eq:=subs({seq(z[i]=0, i=ldegree(P,x)..0)},eq): eq:=subs({seq(z[i]=1, i=N..N+degree(P,x))},eq): var:=solve(eq,var): [seq(subs(var,z[i]),i=1..N-1)]: end: #inputs a polynomial p of x with pos. coeff. encoding a #general die in a casino where you have to leave as soon #as you either have <=0 or >=N dollars. Outputs a list #of length N-1 whose i^th item is the expected duration of the #game #if you enter the casino with i dollars ED:=proc(p,x,N) local eq, var, z,i,j,P: if {seq(evalb( coeff(p,x,i)>=0) ,i=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if {seq(type(coeff(p,x,i),rational) ,i=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: P:=expand(p/subs(x=1,p)); var:={ seq(z[i],i=1..N-1)}: eq:={}: for i from 1 to N-1 do eq:=eq union { z[i]- add(z[i+j]*coeff(P,x,j),j=ldegree(P,x),x))=1 }: od: eq:=subs({seq(z[i]=0, i=ldegree(P,x)..0)},eq): eq:=subs({seq(z[i]=0, i=N..N+degree(P,x))},eq): var:=solve(eq,var): [seq(subs(var,z[i]),i=1..N-1)]: end: #inputs a polynomial p of x with pos. coeff. encoding a #general die in a casino where you have to leave as soon #as you either have <=0 or >=N dollars. Outputs an explicit #expression in i and N for the prob. of winning SymProbs:=proc(p,x,i,N) local P, R,i1,GS,C,Q,var,eq: if {seq(evalb( coeff(p,x,i1)>=0) ,i1=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if {seq(type(coeff(p,x,i1),rational) ,i1=ldegree(p,x),x))}<> {true} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: P:=expand(p/subs(x=1,p)); #fair case if subs(x=1, diff(P,x))=0 then Q:=normal((P-1)/(x-1)^2): R:=[solve(Q,x)]: GS:=add(C[i1]*R[i1]^i,i1=1..nops(R)) + C[nops(R)+1]+C[nops(R)+2]*i : var:={seq(C[i1],i1=1..nops(R)+2)}: else #unfair case Q:=normal((P-1)/(x-1)): R:=[solve(Q,x)]: GS:=add(C[i1]*R[i1]^i,i1=1..nops(R)) + C[nops(R)+1] : var:={seq(C[i1],i1=1..nops(R)+1)}: fi: eq:={seq(subs(i=j,GS)=0,j=ldegree(P,x)+1..0)} union {seq(subs(i=j+N,GS)=1,,x)-1)}: var:=solve(eq,var): subs(var,GS): end: