#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 9 of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p9 #with an attachment called #p9FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p9DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Oct. 6, 2020, 8:00pm THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: 5 PLEASE LIST ALL THE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED, AFTER EACH BY THE ANSWER 1. Let a[i] be the i-th digit of your RUID (if zero make it 1) In how many ways can you walk from 0 to 131 using as fundemental steps the set {a[3],a[5],a[9]} A1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Is seq(coeff(taylor(f,x=0,41),x,i),i=0..40); on OEIS? A2. It is not on OEIS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Let f(x) =1/(1-4*x-x^6); (i) Find the coefficient of x^100 in the Taylor expansion of f(x) (ii) Find the coefficient of x^101 in the Taylor expansion of f(x) How far is the a(100)/a(101) from the real root of 1-4*x-x^6 A3. a := n -> coeff(taylor(1/(-x^6 - 4*x + 1), x = 0, n + 1), x, n); a := proc (n) options operator, arrow; coeff(taylor(1/(-x^6-4*x+\ 1), x = 0, n+1), x, n) end proc a(100); 1644594257296515568488059327938971072084521685469936722570496 a(101); 6579981121576468112367189280234473995254094130576501178758144 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. In how many ways can a chess King walk from one corner of the chess board to the opposite corner? A4. f := normal(1/(1 - x/(1 - x) - y/(1 - y))); (-1 + x) (-1 + y) f := --------------------- 3 x y - 2 x - 2 y + 1 A := (m, n) -> coeff(taylor(coeff(taylor(f, x = 0, m + 1), x, m), y = 0, n + 1), y, n); A := proc (m, n) options operator, arrow; coeff(taylor(coeff(tay\ lor(f, x = 0, m+1), x, m), y = 0, n+1), y, n) end proc A(7, 7); 470010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Is this sequence on OEIS: seq(A(i, i), i = 0 .. 20); 1, 2, 14, 106, 838, 6802, 56190, 470010, 3968310, 33747490, 288654574, 2480593546, 21400729382, 185239360178, 1607913963614, 13991107041306, 122002082809110, 1065855419418690, 9327252391907790, 81744134786314410, 717367363052796678 A5. A number: A051708 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------