#M6.txt: Maple Code for Lecture 6 of Math 454,Combinatorics, Rutgers University, taught by Dr. Z. (Doron Zeilberger) Help6:=proc():print(` RSS(n,k,l), PIE(U,L), FP(pi), Pnx(n,x) `): end: with(combinat): #RSS(n,k,l): A random set of size k of subsets of {1,...,n} each of about size l RSS:=proc(n,k,l) local ra,i,j: ra:=rand(1..n): {seq({seq(ra(),i=1..l)},j=1..k)}: end: #PIE(U,L): inputs a universal set and a list of subsets L, computes #the cardianltiy of the intersection of U\L[i] in two different ways #(i) directly (ii) by the Principal of Inclusion-Exclusion #Try: #PIE({1,2,3,4,5},{{1,2,3},{5}}); PIE:=proc(U,L) local a,b,i,SS,s: a:=nops(`intersect`(seq(U minus L[i],i=1..nops(L)))): SS:=powerset(L) minus {{}}: b:=nops(U): for s in SS do b:=b+(-1)^nops(s)*nops(`intersect`(op(s))): od: [a,b]: end: #FP(pi): The number of fixed-points of the permutation pi FP:=proc(pi) local i: coeff(add(evalb(pi[i]=i),i=1..nops(pi)),true,1): end: #Pnx(n,x): The polynomial in x of degree n whose coefficients of x^i is the number of permutations with exactly i fixed points. #Computed directly #Try: #Pnx(5,x); Pnx:=proc(n,x) local S,pi: S:=permute(n): add(x^FP(pi),pi in S): end: #PnxF(n,x): The same as Pnx(n,x) computed via the formula that uses the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion #Try: #PnxF(5,x); PnxF:=proc(n,x) local k: expand(add(binomial(n,k)*(x-1)^k*(n-k)!,k=0..n)): end: