#M22.txt: Maple Code for Dr. Z.'s Lecture 22 of Combinatorics, taught at Rutgers University Help22:=proc(): print(` TreeSeq(N), ATreeSeq(N,r), FunEqToSeq(PHI,z,N), FunEqToSeq(PHI,z,N) , LIF(PHI,z,N), TreeSeq1(N) , TreeSeqL(N,t) `): print(`AveAndMoms(f,x,K);`): end: #TreeSeq(N): The first N terms of the sequence eunerating the number of labelled trees on n vertices #alias: "connected labelled graphs in n vertices and n-1 edges" #Using the edge-weighted egf for labelled connected graphs #log(Sum((1+a)^binomial(i,2)*x^i/i!,i=0..infinity); TreeSeq:=proc(N) local f,x,a,n: #Since we are only interested in the first N terms, we only need the terms up to x^(N) (the rest is irrelenat to us) f:=log(add((1+a)^(n*(n-1)/2)*x^n/n!,n=0..N+1)): #we take the Taylor exapansion up to x^N (the rest is garbage) f:=taylor(f,x=0,N+1): #We take the coefficient of x^n, multiply by n! (since it is an EXPONENTIAL generating function) #(getting the ORDINARY generating function, accodring to the weight a^#edges of the set of #labelled graphs on n vertices) and take #the coefficient of a^(n-1) (the numbers we are interested in) #That's the output [seq(coeff(coeff(f,x,n)*n!,a,n-1),n=1..N)]: end: #ATreeSeq(N,r): The first N terms of the sequence eunerating the number of labelled "almost trees" on n vertices #with the number of edges r more than that of a tree, i.e. n-1+r edges #Using the edge-weighted egf for labelled connected graphs #log(Sum((1+a)^binomial(n,2)*x^n/n!,i=0..infinity); ATreeSeq:=proc(N,r) local f,x,a,n: #Since we are only interested in the first N terms, we only need the terms up to x^(N) (the rest is irrelenat to us) f:=log(add((1+a)^(n*(n-1)/2)*x^n/n!,n=0..N+1)): #we take the Taylor exapansion up to x^N (the rest is garbage) f:=taylor(f,x=0,N+1): #We take the coefficient of x^n, multiply by n! (since it is an EXPONENTIAL generating function) #(getting the ORDINARY generating function, accodring to the weight a^#edges of the set of #labelled graphs on n vertices) and take #the coefficient of a^(n-1+r) (the numbers we are interested in) #That's the output [seq(coeff(coeff(f,x,n)*n!,a,n-1+r),n=1..N)]: end: #FunEqToSeq(PHI,z,N): #Given a function PHI of z, and a positive integer N, outputs the first N terms, starting at n=1 #of the solutions of the functional equations #f(x)=x*PHI(f(x)). Try: #FunEqToSeq(exp(z),z,10); FunEqToSeq:=proc(PHI,z,N) local f,i,j,x: #we start with f=x, and keep applying the mapping f->x*PHI(f(x)), N times, and every time only #save the terms up to and including x^N f:=x: for i from 1 to N do f:=x*subs(z=f,PHI): f:=taylor(f,x=0,N+1): f:=add(coeff(f,x,j)*x^j,j=0..N): od: [seq(coeff(f,x,j),j=1..N)]: end: #LIF(PHI,z,N): The same as FunEqToSeq(PHI,z,N), but using the Lagrange Inversion Formula #if f(x) is the solution of the functional equation #f(x)=x*PHI(f(x)) then the coefficient of x^n in f(x) is 1/n times the coefficient of z^(n-1) in PHI(z)^n LIF:=proc(PHI,z,N) local n: [seq(coeff(taylor(PHI^n,z=0,n),z,n-1)/n,n=1..N)]: end: #TreeSeq1(N): Like TreeSeq(N), but using the fact that the number of ROOTED labeled trees if n! times #the coefficient of the ogf T(x) that satisfies the functional equation #T(x)=x*exp(T(x). Try: #TreeSeq1(20); TreeSeq1:=proc(N) local L,z,n: L:=FunEqToSeq(exp(z),z,N): [seq(L[n]*(n-1)!,n=1..N)]: end: #TreeSeqL(N,t): Like list of length N, whose n-th entry is the (ordinary) generating function of #labelled trees on n vertices according to the weight t^#Leaves. It uses the fact that #the exponential generating function satisfies the #functional equation #T(x,t)= t*x+ x*(exp(T(x,t)-1) #Try #TreeSeqL(20,t); TreeSeqL:=proc(N,t) local L,z,n: L:=FunEqToSeq(t-1+exp(z),z,N): [seq(expand(L[n]*(n-1)!),n=1..N)]: end: #Added after class for the last homework problem for hw22 #AveAndMoms(f,x,K): given an ordinary generating function f of x, that is a weight-enumerator of some #numerical attribute,and a positive integer K, #outputs (i) The average (ii) the standar-deviation, (iii) the 3rd through the K-th SCALED moments about the mean. Try #AveAndMoms((1+x)^1000,x,6); AveAndMoms:=proc(f,x,K) local f1,av,i,L,sd: if subs(x=1,f)=0 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: f1:=f/subs(x=1,f): av:=subs(x=1,diff(f1,x)): f1:=f1/x^av: f1:=x*diff(x*diff(f1,x),x): sd:=sqrt(subs(x=1,f1)): L:=[av,sd]: for i from 3 to K do f1:=x*diff(f1,x): L:=[op(L),subs(x=1,f1)/sd^i]: od: evalf(L): end: