#please do not post homework Kenneth Chan Math 454 HW 5 1.P(n)= set of permutations Let P_i(n)= set of permutations where n happens to be in Location i |P_i(n)|=P(n-1) for i=1,2..,n |P(n)|=|P_1(n) union ... P_n(n)|=P_1(n)|+...+|P_n(n)| P(n)=(1,2...,n) P(n)=|P(n)| 2.P(n)= set of permutations Let P_i(n)= set of permutations where n happens to be in Location i p(n)=p(n;a1,a2,a3):=(ka1,xa2,ya3) (p(n)=(ka1))+(p(n)=(xa2))+(p(n)=(ya2)) p(n)=(ka1,xa2)+(ka1,ya2)+(xa2+ya2) P(n)=-(ka1,xa2,ya3) p(n;a1,a2,a3):= |P(n;a1,a2,a3)| 4.the person is included twice in line 1,he is excluded once in line 2, included none is line 3 and excluded none in line 4. A person who is clever, strong, goodlooking and kindhearted is included 4 in line 1, he is excluded 6 times in line 2, he is included 4 times in line 3 and excluded once in line 4