#OK to post homework #Ariana Yousafzai, 10/25/2020, Assignment 13 1. i coeff(taylor(f, t = 0, 101), t, 100); 540236604742768337872046870123330582946512848354802256302854081462987515546903490 ii coeff(taylor(f, t = 0, 101), t, 100); 2882019463680980637290895103477979186562740649233177825644809545013389711545129238528 iii coeff(taylor(f, t = 0, 101), t, 100); 8228140345517608526888780976494832778070620428563772376648018969490 iv 8228140345517608526888780976494832778070620428563772376648018969490*t^n 2. Use the Paths procedure in some way to show that the farmer must first take the goat over, then return and take either the wolf or cabbage over, then return with the goat to take the cabbage or wolf over (whichever was left behind in the last step), and then return to take the goat over. 4. Use the paths procedure to show that 0 cannibals and 0 missionaries on the right side, 3 missionaries and 3 cannibals are on the left side, along with the boat.