#Maple code for Lecture 2 of Dynamical Models in Biology (Rutgers university) , Math 336, taught by Dr. Z. #Probelm 3 of "Getting to know you" quiz with Maple a:=proc(n) option remember: if n=0 then 0: elif n=1 then 1: elif n=2 then 4: else 3*a(n-1)-3*a(n-2)+a(n-3): fi: end: seq(a(i),i=0..10); #Problem 4 of "Getting to know you" quiz with Maple dsolve({D(y)(t)=1/(3*y(t)^2), y(1)=1}, y(t)); #Problem 5 of "Getting to know you" quiz with Maple dsolve({D(D(y))(t)+y(t)=0, y(0)=0, D(y)(0)=1}, y(t)); #Problem 6 of "Getting to know you" quiz with Maple Eigenvectors(Matrix([[7,-4],[12,-7]]));