Computer Science 323
Numerical Analysis and Computing
Course web page:
Wujun Zhang
214 Hill Center
office hrs: TBD by appointment
Teaching assistant:
( )
office hours: to be announced
...recitation starts SECOND week of classes
Text: (recommended)
K. Atkinson & W. Han, Elementary Numerical Analysis, 3rd edition, Wiley
on reserve in SERC reading room
Additional material: The Book authors have a website that provides slides and matlab programs for the course-- CLICK HERE
Prerequisites: CALC1, CALC2, Math 250 (linear algebra),
ability to program in a high level language
Programs will be written in MATLAB language -
Matlab tutorial + links to other references
written homework, QUIZES and computer programs (4-5) ~ 20%
midterm ~ 40%
final exam ~ 40%
Objectives: derivation, analysis, implementation of
algorithms for numerical problems
Outline of topics...
A Rapid Matlab Introduction
Floating point numbers and roundoff error (Chap. 1-2 of text)
Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations (Chap. 3)
bisection method, fixed point iteration, secant method, Newton's
linear and quadratic convergence
roots of polynomials
Solution of linear algebraic systems (Chap. 6)
Gaussian elimination, partial pivoting
matrix inversion
LU decomposition
error analysis
iterative methods
- Least squares approximation (Chap. 7.1)
Polynomial interpolation (Chap. 4)
Lagrange and Newton forms of interpolating polynomial
error term
- interpolation of derivatives
piecewise polynomial interpolation, splines
Numerical differentiation and integration (Chap. 5)
derivation of quadrature formulas and their error terms
- composite formulas
adaptive quadrature
- Gaussian quadrature
derivation of numerical differentiation formulas, error terms
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Chap. 8)
introduction to ordinary differential equations
basic numerical methods, e.g., Euler's method
higher order equations, systems