Computer Science 323

Numerical Analysis and Computing


Course web page:

Instructor: Wujun Zhang
   214 Hill Center
   office hrs: TBD by appointment

Teaching assistant: TBA
   ( )   
   office hours: to be announced  

...recitation starts SECOND week of classes

Text: (recommended)  K. Atkinson & W. Han, Elementary Numerical Analysis, 3rd edition, Wiley
   on reserve in SERC reading room

Additional material: The Book authors have a website that provides slides and matlab programs for the course-- CLICK HERE

Prerequisites:  CALC1, CALC2, Math 250 (linear algebra), ability to program in a high level language

Programs will be written in MATLAB language - Matlab tutorial + links to other references


Objectives:   derivation, analysis, implementation of algorithms for numerical problems

Outline of topics...