Week | Lecture dates | Sections | topics | |
1 | 9/7 | 1.1-1.3 | The integers and factorization | |
2 | 9/12, 14 | 1.3, 2.1-2.3, 3.1-3.3 | congruences and Z/n, Rings | |
3 | 9/19, 21 | 3.3, 6.1-6.2 | properties of rings and homomorphisms | |
4 | 9/26, 28 | 4.1-4.4 | Polynomial rings F[x] and factorization | |
5 | 10/3, 5 | 5.1-5.3, 6.3 | R/I, F[x]/I and F[x]/P | |
6 | 10/10, 12 | 4.5-4.6 | Irreducibility for F=Q,R,C; review | |
7 | 10/17, 19 | chapters 1-6, 14 | Exam 1, Chinese Remainder Theorem | |
8 | 10/24, 26 | 7.1-7.3 | Groups and subgroups | |
9 | 10/31, 11/2 | 7.4, 8.1 | Group homomorphisms, Lagrange's Theorem | |
11 | 11/7, 9 | 8.2-8.4 | Normal subgroups and quotient groups | |
12 | 11/14, 16 | 7.5 | Symmetric groups, review | |
13 | 11/21 (not 23rd) | chapters 7, 8 | Exam 2, Thanksgiving break | |
14 | 11/28, 30 | 9.1-9.2 | Finite abelian groups | |
15 | 12/5, 7 | 10.1-10.2, 10.4 | Domains, fractions and factorization | |
16 | 12/12, 14 | 10.2, 10.3 | UFD's, PID's, review | |
17 | December 23 (Friday) | 12-3 PM | Final Exam (cumulative) | |
Due | Problems |
9/14 | 1.1 #8 ; 1.2 #8,13,15b ; 1.3 #21 |
9/21 | 2.1 #4a,12,21b; 2.2 #2,12; 3.1 #13, 15a; 3.2 #7 |
9/28 | 3.3 #9,19,38; 4.1 #5(b,d),10,15; 4.2 #5(b,d),8 |
10/5 | 4.3 #4,12,14 ; 4.4 #2(c,d), 6a, 8(a,b,c), 24 |
10/12 | 5.1 #4,8,10; 5.2 #6,14; 5.3 #1,5b,9 |
10/31 | 7.1 #4,5,16; 7.2 #2,5,7(b,c),13,25 |
11/7 | 7.3 #28,52; 7.4 #12,39,45; 7.5 #13,16,21 |
11/14 | 8.1 #5,9,11,39; 8.2 #1,14,18; 8.3 #2,7,22; 8.4 #2,13,19 |
12/7 | 9.1 #2,18; 9.2 #1,2,7(a,b,c), 12,22 |
12/14 | 10.2 #9,13,14,20; 10.4 #6,11,12 |
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