Please follow the links for the currrent course. More information can be found on my teaching page.
640.311 | (Advanced Calculus I) | Fall 2015, | Rutgers New Brunswick |
My interests are in low-dimensional geometry/topology, hyperbolic/differential/discrete geometry, geometric group theory, and number theory. More information can be found on my research page.
The local-global principle for the integral bends
in orthoplicial Apollonian sphere packings
PDF : arXivOn isosystolic inequality for Tn, RPn, and M3
PDF : arXivFox reimbedding and Bing submanifolds
To appear in Transactions of the American Mathemtiacal Society
PDF : arXiv : JournalThe girth-alternative for mapping class groups
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 8 (2014), no. 4, 225-244
PDF : arXiv : Journal
I am a postdoctoral research associate at Rutgers, New Brunswick. I received my Ph.D. in math from UC Davis, under the supervision of Joel Hass, and my M.A. in math from UC Berkeley, under the supervision of Rob Kirby. Previously, I have worked at UC Davis, Temple, and Oklahoma State.
As a student athlete, I won a boxing Blue and the Best Boxer Award at Oxford and a featherweight gold medal at the BUSA (now BUCS) National Boxing Championship. More than a decade later, I am now a non-boxer in the middleweight.