General Information

Recitation sections meet Monday afternoons/evenings: section 25 is 3:35-4:30, section 26 is 5:15-6:10, and section 27 is 6:55-7:50. At each meeting I will collect the previous week’s homework and end with a quiz.

Here is Prof. Scheiman’s syllabus for the course.

Jake’s office hours: Mondays 2–3 and Tuesdays 12–1, in Hill Center room 608


The overall grading scheme for the course is outlined in the syllabus. Your recitation grade will be computed as follows. All homeworks and quizzes will be graded out of five points. At the end of the semester, your recitation grade, out of 100, will be the sum of your ten best homework grades and your ten best quiz grades. (Therefore, if there are 12 homeworks and 14 quizzes in the semester, your lowest two homeworks and four quizzes will be dropped.)

Late Stuff Policy

No late homeworks. No quiz makeups. That was easy!

Quiz Answers