Research Fields: Complex Analysis of Several Variables and Complex Geometry
office : Hill Center 712, Busch Campus
office hours : Monday and Wedensday from 3:30-5:00pm (also by appointment).
Mailing address:
Xiaojun Huang,
Department of Mathematics,
Hill Center-Busch Campus,
Rutgers University,
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA
Phone numbers: 848-445-6796(o);
Fax number: (732)445-5340
PDF-files of some of my publications:
[The pdf file of my brief Curriculum Vitae]
[Extension of multivalued holomorphic functions on a Stein
space] (with X. Li, Math. Ann. )
[ Complex geodesics and complex Monge Ampere
equations with boundary singularity] (with X. Wang, Math. Ann.)
(with J. Lu, X. Tang and M. Xiao, TAMS)
[Bergman-Einstein metrics, a generalization
of Kerner's theorem and Stein spaces with spherical
boundaries] (with Ming Xiao, Crell )
[Regular multi-types and the Bloom conjecture]
(with Wanke Yin, JMPA)
[Boundary characterization of holomorphic isometric embeddings between indefinite hyperbolic spaces]
(with J. Lu, X. Tang and M. Xiao, Advances in Math.)
[Bergman-Einstein metrics on Stein spaces
with strongly pseudoconvex boundaries](with X. Li, CAG, to appear)
[Rigidity of mappings between degenerate and indfinite
hyperbolic spaces] (with M. Xiao, JGA)
[ Volume-preserving mappings between Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact
type] (with H. Fang and M. Xiao, Advances in Mathematics Volume 360, 2020.)
[Flattening of CR singular
points and analyticity of the local hull of holomorphy (with Yin),
[Flattening of CR singular
points and analyticity of the local hull of holomorphy I (with Yin),
[Flattening of CR singular
points and analyticity of the local hull of holomorphy II (with Yin),
[Holomorphic isometry from
a K\"ahler manifold into a product of complex projective manifolds
(with Yuan Yuan), to appear in GAFA]
[Non-embeddable real algebraic hypersurfaces'' (with
D. Zaitsev), to appear in Math. Z.]
[CR and holomorphic embeddings and pseudo-conformally flat Kahler metrics]
(with S. Ji and B. Lee), to appear in Journal of the Geometric Analysis]
[ Chern-Moser-Weyl tensor and a CR transversality
problem] (with Y. Zhang), Jour of Geometric Analysis 23, pp 1780-1793, 2013]
[The mixed boundary problem for the
dbar-equation on a lunar domain] (with X. Li)
[On the third gap for proper
maps between balls (with S. Ji and W. Yin), Math Ann, to appear]
[On a theorem of Calabi (with X. Li), Ill.
Jour. of Math.]
[ A Bishop surface with a vanishing Bishop
invariant (with Yin), Invent. Math., 2009]
[On a linearity property for
holomorphic maps between balls in complex spaces of different
dimensions, Jour Diff Geom. 51, 1999]
[Super-rigidity for holomorphic maps
between hyperquadrics with positive signatures (with S. Baouendi),
Jour. of Diff. Geom., 2005]
[On a CR family of strongly pseudoconvex
CR manifolds (with S. Luk and
S. Yau), Jour of Diff. Geom., 2006]
[On an n-manifold in the complex n-space
near an elliptic complex tangent, Jour. of Amer. Math. Soc. Vol 11,
[On a problem of Moser, Duke Math Jour
(78), 1995. (with Krantz)]
[On the mapping problem for algebraic real
hypersurfaces in complex spaces of different dimensions, Ann de
Inst. Fourier, 1994]
[Schwarz reflection principle in the complex spaces of dimension two, Comm in PDE Vol (21),1996]
[Mapping an n-ball into an (2n-1)-ball,
Invent. Math 142 (2), 219-250, 2001.(with Ji)]
[ The equivalence problem and rigidity for
hypersurfaces embedded into hyperquadrics, (with P. Ebenfelt and D.
Zaitsev), American Jour of Math., 2005]
[Super-rigidity for CR embeddings of real
hypersurfaces into hyperquadrics (with S. Baounedi and P.
Enbenfelt), Advances in Math., 2008]
[Global holomorphic extension of a local map
and a Riemann mapping theorem for algebraic domains (with Ji), Math
Res. Lett. 5, 1998] ]
[ A new gap phenomenon for proper
holomorphic maps from Bn into BN
(with S. Ji and D. Xu), Math. Res. Lett, 2006
[ A codimensional two CR singular
submanifold that is formally equivalent to a symmetric quadric (with
Yin), IMRN, 2009]
[On the isolated complex
singularities and their CR links, Scineces in China, 2006]
[ Monotonicity for the Chern-Moser-Weyl
curvature tensor and CR mappings, Sci in China Math, 2009]
[On a semi-linearity property for
holomorphic maps between balls, Asian Jour. of Math. ( A special issue
in honor of Professor Y-T Siu's 60th birthday), 2003]
[ On several properties for holomorphic
maps from B^n into B^N''
(with S. Ji and D. Xu), Contemparory Math.,
a special issue in honor of F. Treves, 2005
[ On some rigidity problems in
Cauchy-Riemann analysis\
(with S. Ji), AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Math., 2007]
[Cartan-Chern-Moser theory for real
algebraic hypersurfaces and applications, Ann de Inst. Fourier,
[Rigidity of CR-immersions into spheres
(with P. Ebenfelt and D. Zaitsev),
Comm. in Analysis and Goemetry, 2004.]
[Lectures on the Local Equivalence Problems
for Real Submanifolds in Complex Manifolds",
in C.I.M.E lecture notes series, Springer-Verlag, 2004]
[Every real ellipsoid in C^2 admits
CR umbilical points (with S. Ji), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2007]
[Recent Progress on Two Problems in
Several Complex Variables(with S. Ji and W. Yin), Proceeding of
ICCM, pp 563-575, 2007, High Education Press, Beijing China]
[An example of a real analytic strongly
pseudoconvex hpersurface which is not holomorphically equivalent to
algebraic hypersurfaces
(with S. Ji and S. Yau), Arkiv for math, 2001]
[Geometric Analysis in Several
Complex Variables, Ph. D. Thesis, 1994]
Some relevant links:
Complex Analysis and PDE Seminar
Departmental Colloquia
Math 151 H---Honor's Calculus I
Math 504---Function Theory of One Complex Variable
Home Address of MSRI, Berkely, California
Home Address of IAS, Princeton, New Jersey
Some Ph D programs at US Universities
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James--Annie---Jenny in 2001
Serra Nigra, Brazil,
Aug. 3, 2001
Univ. of Calif. at Irvine, Nov. 10, 2001
Siu-Yeung-Zhou-Huang at Lake Louise, Canada,
Septemer 5, 2005