Some definitions discussed in sections 1 and 5 of Math 250

Lecture 1 (1.1 & 1.2) [1/19/2011]
Lecture 2 (1.3) [1/24/2011]
Lecture 3 (1.4) [1/31/2011]
Lecture 4 (1.6) [2/2/2011]
Lecture 5 (1.7) [2/7/2011]
Lecture 6 (2.1) [2/9/2011]
Lecture 7 (2.1) [2/14/2011]
Lecture 8 (2.3) [2/16/2011]
Lecture 9 (2.4) [2/21/2011]
This is not an official part of the course! Lecture 10 (2.5, 2.6) [2/23/2011]
This is not an official part of the course! Lecture 12 (3.1) [2/28/2011]
Lecture 13 (3.2) [3/7/2011]
Lecture 14 (4.1) [3/9/2011]
Lecture 15 (4.2) [3/21/2011]
Lecture 16 (4.3) [3/23/2011]
Lecture 17 (5.1) [3/28/2011]
This is not an official part of the course! The example I showed "from the web" was taken straight from

The example I asked students to discuss was copied from a Maple help page on the eigenvects command.

Lecture 18 (5.2) [3/30/2011]

Lecture 19 (5.3) [4/4/2011]
Lecture 20 (5.3) [4/6/2011]
This is not an official part of the course! Lecture 21 (6.1) [4/11/2011]

Lecture 22 (6.2) [4/18/2011]

Lecture 23 (6.3) [4/20/2011]

Lecture 25 [4/27/2011]
This is not an official part of the course!

I discussed a symmetric "tridiagonal" matrix which resembles matrices used in spline approximation. Splines are discussed fairly accessibly in this reference: a paper by Sky McKinley and Megan Levine of the College of the Redwoods.

I also remark that a recent article in the American Mathematical Monthly (Francis's Algorithm by David Watkins, May 2011), available online here) describes a modern numerical technique to get eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The method is very different from what we've done in class "by hand" and uses ideas related to the QR decomposition.