
Here is a collection of "workshop problems" gathered over the last decade or so. They are keyed to the sections of Rogawski's Calculus (the Early Transcendentals Version) but should be usable in almost any calculus course. They can serve not only as workshop problems, but also as sources for examinations, class discussions, lectures, etc.

An instructional experiment in Math 135 during the fall, 1998, semester: 1 point quizzes. Let me know if you try them, and how it works out!

I've converted a large number of TeX files to Postscript and then to gif for instructional use. Here's a discussion of the process. Here is a display of a solution to a calculus problem in various formats and some remarks about how it got that way.

Here's a link to some practice problems for our written qualifying exams.

Rutgers University recently (fall of 1998) received a grant from the National Science Foundation's SMET program (really, that's the acronym!). SMET=Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology. Part of the NSF's description of this program states:

The role of science and technology in American society is undergoing dramatic change. In an increasingly technology- oriented society, a basic understanding of science and mathematics is essential not only for those who pursue careers in scientific and technical fields but for all people. At present, however, not all students have access to quality instruction in these areas, and most adults have limited opportunities to develop a better understanding of the role of science. This nation needs a population that is well prepared to fulfill the needs of a technically competent work force and that exercises their full rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a modern democracy.

Several courses in SMET areas for non-majors will be developed at Rutgers as a consequence of the award mentioned above. The mathematical offering will be a course on communication and cryptography at the level of Math 103. The first version of this course was offered in the fall 1999 semester, a second version was offered in the spring 2000 semester, and now much more material is available.

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Maintained by greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 1/15/2008.