The answers ...

Once again "the management " is happy to cooperate by supplying a place where answers supplied by students (along with comments and corrections, if necessary) will be posted. Students who supply material for this page will be credited using their initials. So please send answers, comments, and corrections. Graphs should be described as well as possible. This isn't supposed to be a complete description of solutions, but just a place where someone who has attempted the problems can check their final conclusions.

Please: send your solutions.

Problem #1:
a) M(x) -> + infinity as x -> + infinity and M(x) -> - infinity as x -> - infinity (CREDIT: RE, 12/9/97). Still unanswered: Why does this "force" M to have at least one real root?

Problem #2:

Problem #3:
a) (7/3)x^3-3e^x + 5 ln(x) + C (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97; thanks to SS for correcting a sign error, 12/12/97)
b) (1/7)x^7+(10/4)x^4+ 25x + C (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)
c) -5 cos(x) + (1/5) sin (5x) + C (CREDIT: AG, 12/9/97)

Problem #4: (1/2)x^4 -x -3 (CREDIT: RE, 12/9/97)

Problem #5: The highest point is (1,9/2) so the highest the curve can be is 9/2. The formula for the function used is y=-(9/2)x^2+9x. (CREDIT: IP, 12/12/97, with a partial solution by MG & YC, 12/11/97)

Problem #6:
a) (83)/(24) or 3.458 (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)
b) 16 (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)
c) (248)/(27) or 9.185 (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)
d) - cos(2 Pi) + cos (Pi) = -2 (CREDIT: AG, 12/9/97)

Problem #7:
a) 2e^x sin x (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)
b) (1/2) e^(Pi) + (1/2) (CREDIT: AG, 12/9/97)

Problem #8: The answers are 0 and 0 and 0. (CREDIT: MG and YC, 12/11/97)
Remark by the management: the answers reveal a certain dullness in the questioner (!!). Maybe it would have been better to ask for a value of the derivative at, say, sqrt(Pi/2) or sqrt(Pi/3) for example. Oh well.

Problem #9:

Problem #10: (63)/6 or 10.5 (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)

Problem #11: 1/(12) (CREDIT: anonymous, 12/8/97)

Maintained by and last modified 12/1/97.