Course: Math 244, Section C1
Location: MTWH 8:00-9:50am, May 27th through July 17th, HIL 525

Instructor: Fei Qi
Office: Hill Center, Room 624
Office Hours: MTW 9:50-10:50am
Email: cl.volkov (at rutgers dot edu)
Textbook: The ninth (or tenth) edition of Elementary Differential Equation, by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima

Attendence Quizzes: In each class there will be one attendence quiz. The quizzes will be graded in either "pass" or "fail". During the quiz I will provide tutoring service for all the students to get the full solution. And a submitted paper will only be graded as "fail" if I can't read the writing or nothing is wrote. All papers will be reviewed, commented and returned the next lecture.

Homework: To help getting acquainted to the techniques in the class, for each lecture there will be several homework problems. The workload should be roughly one hour and should never be longer than 2 hours (if that happens, get help from me). All homework should be submitted online to sakai assignments no later than 11:00PM the same day of the lecture. Homework will be graded in 2 pts scale. Details is explained below:

If you submit satisfactory work on time: 2 pt.
If you submit unsatisfactory work on time: 1 pt.
If you submit unsatisfactory work on time but make it up later to satisfactory: 2 pt.
If you don't submit any work: 0 pt.
If you don't submit any work on time but submitted satisfactory work later: 1 pt.
(cannot make 2 pt unless in case of exceptions justified by documents)

Maple Labs: To help developing the skills using softwares to deal with differential equations, 5 Maple Lab assignment will be assigned in this class. Although maple normally runs slower than other mathematical softwares, its results are more reliable. The lab assignments are available here.

Exams: There will be three hour exams and a cumulative final. All exams will be closed book and student-prepared formula sheets will not be permitted. The dates of the hour exams listed in the lecture schedule are tentative. The actual dates will be announced in class.

Extra help - Students are encouraged to stay after classes for my office hours or to make any extra appointments with me. I am also always available through email. Additionally, the Rutgers Learning Centers offer tutoring in many mathematics classes, including Math 244. The tutoring is provided by undergraduate peer tutors.

Academic Integrity: All Rutgers students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the academic integrity policy (
Violations of the policy are taken VERY SERIOUSLY.

Crime of Abusing Algebra: Please read the Basic Rules of Algebra carefully and make sure you know them well. Violation of these rules in homework and exams constitutes the crime of abusing algebra and will result in SERIOUS PENALTY. If you have difficulties, a series of links on my webpage is provided to help.

Grading Policy: The total grade will be calculated in the following way:

5% - Attendance
10% - Homework
10% - Maple Labs
45% - 3 Hour Exams
30% - Final Exam