Feng Luo    (3D HTML)

Professor of Mathematics

Email: fluo at math dot rutgers dot edu       
Office: Hill 520, Busch Campus
Tel: 848-445-7996
Fax: 732-445-5530
Office mailing address:
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Hill Center-Busch Campus
110 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854

I teach Math 504 (TTh 2pm, Hill 425) and Math 432 (TF 10:20am, BE 121 LIV) in Spring 2025

Geometry and topology seminar Tuesday 4-5pm, Hill 705

Recent activities: conferences and editorial

Reseach papers, a problem list, math reviews of my papers, and CV

Some research projects at the moment:

Discrete Curvature of Networks and Graphs. Our paper Community Detection on Networks with Ricci Flow has appeared in Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group. Here is a movie illustrating its action. The project is funded by the NSF.

Some of my lecture notes


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