Professor of Mathematics
Email: fluo at math dot rutgers dot edu
Office: Hill 520, Busch Campus Tel: 848-445-7996 Fax: 732-445-5530 |
Office mailing address: Department of Mathematics Rutgers University Hill Center-Busch Campus 110 Frelinghuysen Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 |
I teach Math 504 (TTh 2pm, Hill 425) and Math 432 (TF 10:20am, BE 121 LIV) in Spring 2025
Geometry and topology seminar Tuesday 4-5pm, Hill 705
Recent activities: conferences and editorial
Reseach papers, a problem list, math reviews of my papers, and CV
Discrete Curvature of Networks and Graphs. Our paper Community Detection on Networks with Ricci Flow has appeared in Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group. Here is a movie illustrating its action. The project is funded by the NSF.
Some of my lecture notes