Title: Local space-preserving decompositions for the bubble transform Authors: Richard S. Falk and Ragnar Winther Source: preprint Abstract: The bubble transform is a procedure to decompose differential forms, which are piecewise smooth with respect to a given triangulation of the domain, into a sum of local bubbles. In this paper, an improved version of a construction in the setting of the de Rham complex previously proposed by the authors is presented. The major improvement in the decomposition is that unlike the previous results, in which the individual bubbles were rational functions with the property that groups of local bubbles summed up to preserve piecewise smoothness, the new decomposition is strictly space-preserving in the sense that each local bubble preserves piecewise smoothness. An important property of the transform is that the construction only depends on the given triangulation of the domain and is independent of any finite element space. On the other hand, all the standard piecewise polynomial spaces are invariant under the transform. Other key properties of the transform are that it commutes with the exterior derivative, is bounded in $L^2$, and satisfies the {\it stable decomposition property} Key words: simplicial mesh, commuting decomposition of $k$-forms, preservation of piecewise polynomial spaces AMS(MOS) subject classifications: 5N30, 52-08}