############################################################################ ## SMCboole.txt: Save this file as SMCboole.txt. To use it, stay in the # ## same directory, get into Maple (by typing: maple ) # ## and then type: read `SMCboole.txt` : # ## Thene follow the instructions given there # ## # ## Written by Blair Seidler and Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University # ############################################################################ #Created: Nov. 2022 #This version: Apr. 2023 #SMCboole.txt: A Maple package to implement Blair Seidler's and Doron Zeilberger's #Symbolic Moment Calculus applied to Boolean functions #Please report bugs to DoronZeil@gmail.com print(`Created: Nov. 2022`): print(`This version: Apr. 3, 2023`): print(`This is SMCboole.txt, a Maple package to implement`): print(`Blair Seidler & Doron Zeilberger's Symbolic Moment Calculus for Boolean functions`): print(`as it is described in their article:`): print(` On the Statistics of the Number of Fixed-Dimensional Subcubes`): print(` in a Random Subset of the n-Dimensional Discrete Unit Cube `): print(``): print(`Written by Svante Janson, Blair Seidler, and Doron Zeilberger`): lprint(``): print(`Please report bugs to DoronZeil at gmail dot com`): lprint(``): print(`The most current version of this package and paper`): print(` are available from`): print(`http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~bas312/Research/subcubes/subcubes.html`): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`For a list of the MAIN procedures type ezra();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name);`): print(``): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`For a list of the SUPPORTING procedures type ezra1();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name);`): print(``): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`For a list of the NUMERIC procedures type ezraN();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name);`): print(``): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`-----------------------------`): print(`For a list of the SIMULATION procedures type ezraSi();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name);`): print(``): print(`-----------------------------`): with(combinat): ezraSi:=proc(): if args=NULL then print(` The Simulation procedures are: `): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezraN:=proc(): if args=NULL then print(` The Numeric procedures are: MomLn `): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezra1:=proc(): if args=NULL then print(` The supporting procedures are: Conf, Conf1, ExpaS, ExpkC, Imags, Kids1, Kids11, LtoM, Mats, MOMrk1, NuVerts, NuVerts1, Reps, Trans1, Vecsk, Wt `): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezra:=proc() if args=NULL then print(`The main procedures are: Aek1, Aek2, AekM, Cor, Cov, MOMrk, Moms, SMOMrk, VARr `): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=Aek1 then print(`Aek1(n,k): The formula, due to Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda, for the mean of the r.v. "number of k-dim subcubes contained in f", for a random Boolean function with n variables. n is symbolic, but k ins numeric (but arbitrary) `): print(`It should give the same output as Moms([k],n); (after they are both simplified).Try: `): print(`seq(simplify(Aek1(n,i)-Moms([i],n)),i=1..4);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=Aek2 then print(`Aek2(n,k): The formula, due to Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda, for the second moment of the r.v. "number of k-dim subcubes contained in f", for a random Boolean function with n variables. n is symbolic, but k ins numeric (but arbitrary) `): print(`It should give the same output as Moms([k,k],n); (after they are both simplified).Try: `): print(`seq(simplify(Aek2(n,i)-Moms([i,i],n)),i=1..4);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=AekM then print(`AekM(n,k1,k2): The formula for the mixed moment of the r.v.'s "number of k1-dim subcubes contained in f" and "number of k2-dim subcubes contained in f", for a random Boolean function with n variables. n is symbolic, but k1k2) then i:=k1: k1:=k2: k2:=i fi: normal( simplify( add( n!/i!/(k1-i)!/(k2-i)!/(n-k1-k2+i)!*2^(n-i)/2^(2^(k1)+2^(k2))*(2^(2^i)-1),i=0..k1)+ (binomial(n,k1)*2^(n-k1))*(binomial(n,k2)*2^(n-k2))/2^(2^(k1)+2^(k2))) ): end: ##END NUMERIC #SYMBOLIC with(combinat): #Conf1(A,r): Inputs a list of positive integers, of size k, say, outputs ALL lists of length k subsets of {1, ...,r} [S1,...,Sk] such that Si has cardinality A[i]. #Try: Conf1([2,3,2],5); Conf1:=proc(A,r) local k,A1,gu,mu,gu1,i1: k:=nops(A): if k=0 then RETURN({[]}): fi: A1:=[op(1..k-1,A)]: gu:=Conf1(A1,r): mu:=choose(r,A[k]): {seq(seq([op(gu1),mu[i1]],i1=1..nops(mu)),gu1 in gu)}: end: #Conf(A,r): Inputs a list of positive integers, of size k, say, outputs ALL lists of length k subsets of {1, ...,r} [S1,...,Sk] such that Si has cardinality A[i] and their union is {1,..,r}. #Try: Conf([2,3,2],5); Conf:=proc(A,r) local mu,mu1,gu,i: mu:=Conf1(A,r) : gu:={}: for mu1 in mu do if {seq(op(mu1[i]),i=1..nops(mu1))}={seq(i,i=1..r)} then gu:=gu union {mu1}: fi: od: gu: end: #LtoM(L,r): given a list of subsets L of {1,...,r} of size k, that cover {1,..,r}, outputs the 1-0 matrix M (given as a list of lists) such that M[i][j]=0 iff j belongs to L[i] #Try: #LtoM([{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}],3); LtoM:=proc(L,r) local k,i,j,T,s: k:=nops(L): if {seq(op(L[i]),i=1..k)}<>{seq(i,i=1..r)} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: for i from 1 to k do for j from 1 to r do T[i,j]:=1: od: od: for i from 1 to k do for s in L[i] do T[i,s]:=0: od: od: [seq([seq(T[i,j],j=1..r)],i=1..k)]: end: #Trans1(M,pi1,pi2); permutes the rows of M according to pi1 and the columns according to pi2 Trans1:=proc(M,pi1,pi2) local M1,i,j: M1:=[seq(M[pi1[i]],i=1..nops(pi1))]: [seq([seq(M1[i][pi2[j]],j=1..nops(pi2))],i=1..nops(M1))]: end: #Imags(M): all the images of the matrix M under permuting the rows and the columns #Try: #Imags([[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[1,0,1]]); Imags:=proc(M) local k,r,gu1,gu2,pi1,pi2: k:=nops(M): r:=nops(M[1]): gu1:=permute(k): gu2:=permute(r): {seq(seq(Trans1(M,pi1,pi2),pi1 in gu1),pi2 in gu2)}: end: #Reps(A,r): Given a list of positive intgegers A and a positive integer r outputs a set of representatives of all nops(A) by r 0-1 matrices with A[i] 0's in row i. Try: #Reps([2,3],3); Reps:=proc(A,r) local mu,mu1,gu,F: mu:=Conf(A,r): mu:={seq(LtoM(mu1,r),mu1 in mu)}: gu:={}: while mu<>{} do mu1:=mu[1]: F:=Imags(mu1) intersect mu: gu:=gu union {[mu1,nops(F)]}: mu:=mu minus F: od: gu: end: #Kids11(M,i,j): Given a matrix M (represented as list of lists) with entries {0,-1,1} and a location [i,j] with M[i][j]=1 outputs the set of #two matrices where the [i,j] entry is either 1 or of -1. Do #Kids11([[0,1,0],[1,1,0]],2,1) Kids11:=proc(M,i,j): if M[i][j]=0 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: {M,[op(1..i-1,M),[op(1..j-1,M[i]),-1,op(j+1..nops(M[i]),M[i])],op(i+1..nops(M),M)]}: end: #Kids1old(M): Inputs a 0-1 matrix M and outputs the set of all {0,1,-1} matrices M1 such that abs(M1[i][j])=M[i][j], in other words where 1 is re;aced by {1,-1}. Try: #Kids1old([[1,0],[0,1]]); Kids1old:=proc(M) local gu,i,j,gu1: gu:={M}: for i from 1 to nops(M) do for j from 1 to nops(M[i]) do if M[i][j]=1 then gu:={seq(op(Kids11(gu1,i,j)),gu1 in gu)}: fi: od: od: gu: end: #ExpkC(v): Given a vector v of {0,1,-1} finds the set of {1,-1} vectors where 0 can be either 1 or -1. Try: #ExpkC([1,0,-1,0]); ExpkC:=proc(v) local gu,k,gu1: option remember: if v=[] then RETURN({[]}): fi: k:=nops(v): gu:=ExpkC([op(1..k-1,v)]): if v[k]<>0 then RETURN({seq([op(gu1),v[k]],gu1 in gu)}): else RETURN({seq([op(gu1),1],gu1 in gu),seq([op(gu1),-1],gu1 in gu)}): fi: end: #NuVerts1(M): inputs a matrix M in {0,1,-1}, outputs the number of vetrices in the union of subcubes given by its rows. Try: #NuVerts1([[0,1],[1,0]]); NuVerts1:=proc(M) local i: nops({seq(op(ExpkC(M[i])),i=1..nops(M))}): end: #NuVerts(M,SP): inputs a matrix M of {0,1,-1} of size k by r, say and a set partition SP of {1,..,k} outputs the total number of vertices in that configuration. Try #NuVerts([[1,0,-1],[1,1,-1]],{{1},{2}}); NuVerts:=proc(M,SP) local M1,i,k,lu,S,j: k:=nops(M): if {seq(op(SP[i]),i=1..nops(SP))}<>{seq(i,i=1..k)} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: lu:=0: for i from 1 to nops(SP) do S:=SP[i]: M1:=[seq(M[S[j]],j=1..nops(S))]: lu:=lu + NuVerts1(M1): od: lu: end: #MomsOld(A,n): Inputs a list A of positive integers of length k, say, and a symbol n, outputs an expression for E[X[A[1]]X[A[2]]...X[A[k]]] where X[r] is the r.v. number of r-dim subcubes of a Boolean function f in n variables. Try #MomsOld([1,1],n); MomsOld:=proc(A,n) local gu,k,r,lu,mu,mu1,gu1,i,ku,lu1,gu11,Gu,fu,fu1: option remember: k:=nops(A): mu:=setpartition({seq(i,i=1..k)}): Gu:=0: for r from max(op(A)) to convert(A,`+`) do gu:=0: lu:=Reps(A,r): for i from 1 to nops(lu) do lu1:=lu[i][1]: ku:=lu[i][2]: gu1:=0: fu:=Kids1old(lu1): for fu1 in fu do for mu1 in mu do gu11:=expand(binomial(2^(n-r),nops(mu1))*nops(mu1)!/2^NuVerts(fu1,mu1)): gu1:=gu1+gu11: od: od: gu:=gu+ku*gu1: od: Gu:=Gu+gu*expand(binomial(n,r)) od: factor(Gu): end: #Kids1(M): Inputs a 0-1 matrix M and outputs the set of all {0,1,-1} matrices M1 such that abs(M1[i][j])=M[i][j], in other words where 1 is re;aced by {1,-1}. Try: #Kids1([[1,0],[0,1]]); Kids1:=proc(M) local gu,i,j,gu1: gu:={M}: for i from 2 to nops(M) do for j from 1 to nops(M[i]) do if M[i][j]=1 then gu:={seq(op(Kids11(gu1,i,j)),gu1 in gu)}: fi: od: od: gu: end: #Moms(A,n): Inputs a list A of positive integers of length k, say, and a symbol n, outputs an expression for E[X[A[1]]X[A[2]]...X[A[k]]] where X[r] is the r.v. number of r-dim subcubes of a Boolean function f in n variables. Try #Moms([1,1],n); Moms:=proc(A,n) local gu,k,r,lu,mu,mu1,gu1,i,ku,lu1,gu11,Gu,fu,fu1: option remember: k:=nops(A): mu:=setpartition({seq(i,i=1..k)}): Gu:=0: for r from max(op(A)) to convert(A,`+`) do gu:=0: lu:=Reps(A,r): for i from 1 to nops(lu) do lu1:=lu[i][1]: ku:=lu[i][2]: gu1:=0: fu:=Kids1(lu1): for fu1 in fu do for mu1 in mu do gu11:=expand(binomial(2^(n-r),nops(mu1))*nops(mu1)!*2^(r-A[1])/2^NuVerts(fu1,mu1)): gu1:=gu1+gu11: od: od: gu:=gu+ku*gu1: od: Gu:=Gu+gu*expand(binomial(n,r)) od: factor(Gu): end: #Cov(d1,d2,n): The Covariance betweed X[d1] and X[d2] Cov:=proc(d1,d2,n) local mu1,mu2,mu12: option remember: if d1=d2 then mu12:=Aek2(n,d1): else mu12:=AekM(n,d1,d2): fi: mu1:=Aek1(n,d1): mu2:=Aek1(n,d2): #mu1:=Moms([d1],n): #mu2:=Moms([d2],n): mu12-mu1*mu2: #normal(mu12-mu1*mu2): end: #Cor(d1,d2,n): The Correlation between X[d1] and X[d2] Cor:=proc(d1,d2,n) local gu,mu: option remember: gu:=Cov(d1,d2,n): mu:=sqrt(Cov(d1,d1,n)*Cov(d2,d2,n)): #simplify(gu/mu,symbolic): simplify(gu/mu): end: #VARr(n,r): The expression, in n, for the variance of the r.v. "number of r-dim subcubes of a random Boolean function with n variables. Try: #VARr(n,4) VARr:=proc(n,r) factor(simplify(expand(normal(Aek2(n,r)-(2^(n-r)*binomial(n,r)/2^(2^r))^2)))): end: #MOMrk1(r,k,n): The k-th moment of X[r]. Try: #MOMrk1(1,3,n); MOMrk1:=proc(r,k,n) option remember: Moms([r$k],n): end: #MOMrk(r,k,n): The k-th moment about the mean of X[r]. Try: #MOMrk(1,4,n); MOMrk:=proc(r,k,n) local x,mu,f,i: mu:=2^(n-r)*binomial(n,r)/2^(2^r): f:=expand((x-mu)^k): factor(normal( add(coeff(f,x,i)*MOMrk1(r,i,n),i=1..degree(f,x))+coeff(f,x,0) ) ): end: #SMOMrk(r,k,n): The SCALED k-th moment about the mean of X[r]. Try: SMOMrk:=proc(r,k,n): factor(simplify(MOMrk(r,k,n)/VARr(n,r)^(k/2))): end: #END SYMBOLIC #Comps(n,k): The set of all compositions of n into exactly k parts (with non-negative entrties) Comps:=proc(n,k) local S,a,S1,s: option remember: if k=0 then if n=0 then RETURN({[]}): else RETURN({}): fi: fi: S:={}: for a from 0 to n do S1:=Comps(n-a,k-1): S:=S union {seq([op(s),a],s in S1)}: od: S: end: #GP1(L,n,d): Inputs a list of numbers L and a variable n and a non-neg. d outputs the polynomial of degree d #P(n), such that P(i)=L[i], for all i from 1 to nops(L). OR FAIL #nops(L)>=d+2 GP1:=proc(L,n,d) local a,i,P,eq,var: if nops(L){0} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: P: end: #GP(L,n): Inputs a list of numbers L and a variable n and outputs the polynomial of degree <=nops(L)-2 #P(n), such that P(i)=L[i], for all i from 1 to nops(L). OR FAIL #nops(L)>=d+2 GP:=proc(L,n) local d,P: for d from 0 to nops(L)-2 do P:=GP1(L,n,d): if P<>FAIL then RETURN(P): fi: od: FAIL: end: CoeffMatrix:=proc(size,i) local x,y,CM: option remember: for x from 1 to size-1 do CM[x][x]:=0: for y from x+1 to size do CM[x][y]:=simplify(coeff(asympt(simplify(Cor(x,y,n)),n,i+2)-O(1/n^(i+2)),n,-i)): CM[y][x]:=CM[x][y]: od: od: op(CM): end: GuessAsyCor:=proc(r,s,i) local CM,PM,x,y,maxi: maxi:=2*i+6: CM:=CoeffMatrix(maxi,i): for x from 1 to maxi do PM[x]:=GP([seq(CM[x][y],y=1..maxi)],r): od: print(PM): GP([seq(PM[x],x=1..maxi-1)],s): end: