Jim Lepowsky, 9/9/17 ============================== Note added 9/29/17: Anders Buch's 9/19/17 file HOWTO-add-document.txt should also be consulted. It shows how to reach directories such as /math/share/WWW (via ssh shell.math.rutgers.edu). As is mentioned below, you might need to submit a workorder to do things in subdirectories of this directory. ============================== How to update (or, also, create) a link to a file in Joomla, when the file is in, or is put into, the existing restricted Math Dept. course directories/subdirectories, under /math/share/WWW (now called sites.math.rutgers.edu; see below): Example: In the Joomla page (one of the Math 135 pages) http://www.math.rutgers.edu/academics/undergraduate/courses/course-materials/135 there was the sentence (on 9/9/17): Here is a Student Quick Start guide for students to get onto WebAssign from Sakai. The link for "Student Quick Start" (a hypertext phrase) was: http://sites.math.rutgers.edu/courses/135/135-s17/Student_Quick_Start_Guide_Sakai.pdf But this was the Aug., 2016 guide. Wanted to replace this with the Aug., 2017 guide. So I created a new 135-f17 directory in /math/share/WWW/courses/135 (BUT FIRST SEE THE IMPORTANT NOTE BELOW), to get the directory math-web% pwd /math/share/WWW/courses/135/135-f17 and changed its permissions with chmod 755 (which includes execute permission). Then copied the updated (Aug., 2017) file into it and set the permissions for the file with chmod 644 (i.e., without execute permission) to get: math-web% ls -lt total 74 -rw-r--r-- 1 lepowsky webpub 70065 Sep 9 11:12 Student_Quick_Start_Guide_Sakai.pdf This gave the file (with location): /math/share/WWW/courses/135/135-f17/Student_Quick_Start_Guide_Sakai.pdf IMPORTANT: If you are a member of the unix group "webpub," you can do the above because you can change files in /math/share/WWW. If you're not a member of "webpub" then you need to submit a workorder to change files in /math/share/WWW. Then used Joomla front-end login to edit the sentence above, with the steps: Highlight the hypertext "Student Quick Start" in the sentence above. Click the "link" icon. (Note: If you want to remove an existing link, highlight its hypertext and click the "unlink" icon first, before you highlight text to add a new link. It seems that you don't have to first do this "unlink" process if you want to use the same piece of hypertext for the new link.) Put http://sites.math.rutgers.edu/courses/135/135-f17/Student_Quick_Start_Guide_Sakai.pdf into the URL box. (Here, "f17" replaced "s17"; different directory, different pdf file, but happens to have same filename as before.) Important note: http://sites.math.rutgers.edu/ is a URL for /math/share/WWW/ Continuing with the process: The Text box is blank; it just says "Element Selection". The clickable text will be the same as before ("Student Quick Start"). Click Insert. Click Save. The Aug., 2017 file now appears when the link is clicked, so this worked. (BUT when I'd clicked Preview before saving, which did show the correct Aug., 2017 file, the link reverted back to the Aug., 2016 file after I then saved. So this process seems to be unstable. Anyway, saving before previewing did keep the correct link, to the new Aug., 2017 file.) Incidentally, the word "guide" just after the hypertext "Student Quick Start" has separately been made hypertext, linking to the same Aug., 2017 PDF file. Chris Woodward did this by handling the same PDF file by a different method, not involving sites.math. For the hyperlink "guide", the (same) file's URL is http://www.math.rutgers.edu/images/Student_Quick_Start_Guide_Sakai.pdf instead of http://sites.math.rutgers.edu/courses/135/135-f17/Student_Quick_Start_Guide_Sakai.pdf