

FALL 2010

Course overview, prerequisites, placement quiz

For general information on these topics please see the main web page for Math 527.

Basic information for Fall 2010

Final exam

The final exam is scheduled for Wednesday, December 22, 12:00–3:00 PM, in SEC 203.

Announcements and supplementary information

11/24/2010 Here are notes on the heat equation in a disk. These are a continuation of the notes posted 11/2/2010.

11/11/2010 We are treating material in somewhat different order from that of the book. Below is a guide to how what parts of the book we have covered and will cover later.

11/7/2010 Here are notes Fourier series, separation of variables, and half and quarter range series. These are a continuation of the notes posted 10/21.

10/21/2010 Here are notes on expansions in orthonormal bases.

10/20/2010 Here are the various slides shown in class on October 14 and October 19:

Finally, here is the article which found a ten-year cyclic behavior in a specific predator/prey system: lynx and hare in the arctic.

10/13/2010 Here are notes on the phase plane of centers and foci, showing how to determine the axes of the elliptical trajectories of a center in the phase plane.

9/9/2010 Here is a summary of the Frobenius method in PDF form. This is basically a restatement of Theorem 4.3.1 of the text.

9/09/2010 Here are the solutions solutions to the entrance quiz given Tuesday 9/07/10.

9/02/2010 Here are a set of Notes on Power Series.

Exam 2

The second exam will be held Thursday, November 18. It will cover our work through Tuesday, November 11, on trajectories in the phase plane, orthogonal expansions, Fourier series, regular Sturm-Liouville problems, and the one-dimensional heat equation with homogeneous Dirichlet and/or Neumann boundary conditions. See the guide posted 11/10/02 below for the relation between lectures, text, and notes. There is a homework "Assignment" for the week of November 17 (Assignment 10), but it is only for your use in studying; it will not be collected.

Exam 1

The first exam will be held Thursday, October 7. It will cover all our work on power series solutions of differential equations, including Legendre's and Bessel's equations, and Laplace transforms. There is a homework "Assignment" for the week of October 4, but it is only for your use in studying; it will not be collected.